Sunday, August 1, 2010

Action Research Plan

Here is the 14 point action research plan I will be implementing this year. It is designed to provide data and feedback and answer the basic question of how best to design a quality character trait program at my elementary school. Each point after each number addresses the five points in bold.

Goal: To structure our schools “8 Keys to Excellence” program in a manner that reflects a shared vision by the faculty of a character traits program that improves the academic, disciplinary and social life of our school community and thus improve the lives of our students, staff, parents and community as a whole.

Action Step(s)


Timeline: Start/End




  • Review the Quantum Learning character program on building a culture of learning that serves as the basis for our schools “8 Keys to Excellence”
  • Assistant Principal (Student Management Team Leader) and Student Management Team members.
  • August 2010
  • An explanation of the “8 Keys to Excellence” and Quantum Learning’s Building a Culture of Learning
  • Initial student management team meeting and discussion of our “8 Keys to Excellence”.


  • Develop a pre-survey of teachers for what they want to see in our “8 Keys to Excellence” program.
  • Student Management Team members.
  • August 2010
  • Outline of our “8 Keys to Excellence” program from last year.
  • Completed survey.


  • Develop a timeline for our “8 Keys to Excellence” program and discuss its implementation.
  • Student Management Team members.
  • August/September 2010
  • Quantum Learning’s Building a Culture of Learning and last years “8 Keys to Excellence” program.
  • Timeline produced.


  • Submit pre-survey to faculty.
  • Faculty
  • August/September 2010
  • Survey of “8 Keys to Excellence” program.
  • Review surveys and look for common areas of concern and for strengths of previous program.


  • Review survey for teachers and develop a revised timeline for our program that develops strengths and addresses areas for concern.
  • Student Management Team members.
  • August/September 2010
  • Survey of “8 Keys to Excellence” program.
  • Revised timeline.


  • Develop “8 Keys to Excellence” program based on timeline and implement program throughout the year.
  • Student Management Team members, faculty and students.
  • September 2010 – On-going
  • Quantum Learning’s Building a Culture of Learning and last years “8 Keys to Excellence” program.
  • Program completion.


  • Tie each discipline referral to the Assistant Principal’s office to one of the “8 Keys to Excellence”
  • Assistant Principal
  • On-going throughout the year.
  • Discipline referrals
  • Review student responses to discipline referrals that address one of the 8 Keys.


  • Semester review of “8 Keys to Excellence” program and discuss suggested improvements or areas to focus on for spring semester.
  • Student Management Team members.
  • December 2010
  • Discipline referrals from Assistant Principal and Student Management Team meeting.
  • Student Management Team meeting.


  • Implement any changes as discussed at semester review meeting.
  • Student Management Team members, faculty and students.
  • January 2010
  • Notes from Student Management Team meeting.
  • Program changes.


  • Develop both a teacher survey and a parent survey to evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of the “8 Keys to Excellence “ program and to prepare to make adjustments for the following year.
  • Student Management Team members.
  • Spring Semester
  • Surveys developed by Student Management Team members.
  • Survey Results.


  • Send out surveys to teachers and parents on the “8 Keys to Excellence “ program.
  • Student Management Team members, faculty and students parents.
  • April/May 2011
  • Surveys developed by Student Management Team members.
  • Survey Results.


  • Review parent and teacher surveys for areas of concern and strengths of program.
  • Student Management Team members
  • May 2011
  • Surveys developed by Student Management Team members.
  • Survey Results.


  • Review student discipline referrals for the year and see which problems can be addressed through the “8 Keys to Excellence” program and report findings to Student Management Team.
  • Assistant principal and Student Management Team
  • April/May 2011
  • Discipline Referrals
  • Review of discipline referrals by Student Management Team.


  • Develop a plan for next years “8 Keys to Excellence “ program based on input from surveys.
  • Student Management Team members
  • May 2011
  • Quantum Learning’s Building a Culture of Learning and last years “8 Keys to Excellence” program.
  • Plan of action for next years “8 Keys to Excellence “ program.

1 comment:

  1. Really like how you set up your action plan. It is very detailed and think it will be a great tool to keep you on track and focused. Very nice work.
